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Stress and Anxiety

Image by Emma Trevisan

What is it?

Stress and anxiety are part of the same bodily reaction and have similar symptoms. Stress tends to be short term and in response to a recognized event, scenario or threat that makes you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry or unease and can linger, and can sometimes seem as if nothing is triggering it.

In some cases, stress might trigger anxiety. If you’re stressed about a big upcoming event for example, you might find that you start to feel generally nervous about nothing in particular.

  • Chronic stress refers to long lasting stress that occurs in response to ongoing pressure, like a demanding job or family conflict.

  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder is a common anxiety characterised by uncontrollable worrying. Sometimes people don’t know what the source of the worry is and sometimes they worry about events that have or may or may not happen.

  • If you experience sudden, intense anxiety and fear, this might be the symptom of a panic attack.


Most people experience some feelings of stress and/or anxiety at some point in their life. They can even sometimes be a motivator to accomplish some things we would rather not but should. However, when stress and anxiety interfere negatively with your daily, when number, type or intensity of symptoms increase, then they take a toll on your mental and physical health. It’s then you need to ask for help.

Recognising the symptoms

Physical symptoms include:

  • faster, irregular or more noticeable heartbeat

  • feeling lightheaded and dizzy

  • headaches

  • chest pains

  • loss of appetite

  • sweating

  • breathlessness

  • feeling hot

  • shaking

Mental symptoms include:

  • feeling tense or nervous

  • being unable to relax

  • worrying about the past or future

  • feeling tearful

  • not being able to sleep

  • difficulty concentrating

  • fear of the worst happening

  • intrusive traumatic memories

  • obsessive thoughts

Changes of behaviour:

  • not being able to enjoy your leisure time

  • difficulty looking after yourself

  • struggling to form or maintain relationships

  • worried about trying new things

  • avoiding places and situations that create anxiety

  • compulsive behaviour, such as constantly checking things

(Ref. NHS)​

Watch out - Precursor to Burnout

According to Mental Health UK, when asked to identify the symptoms of burnout, 93% of UK adults correctly identified some symptoms of burnout, while 63% mistakenly identified at least one symptom of anxiety instead.’ Indeed, stress and anxiety are common place but long exposure to stress can lead to burnout. According to the same survey, ‘9 in 10 adults in the UK (91%) told they experienced high or extreme levels of pressure or stress at some point in the past year.’

See our page on burnout for more details.

Why us?

We hold specific qualifications such as Solution Focused Therapy, EMDR+, EFT, NLP  and specialties in stress management. 


Stress and Anxiety are the primary reasons our clients come to consult us. It’s a safe and effective treatment due to its ability to reach the subconscious mind where roots of anxiety often lie. It therefore allows you to go deeper in addressing issues.

By identifying the source of the issue, the treatment plan then becomes a lot more effective in providing solutions. It also enables to shift limiting beliefs and therefore gives you new thought patterns to change your self-perceptions.

You will be offered Sophrology which reduces stress symptoms and promotes relaxation. These in turn enable you to sleep better and longer.

In case of flare-up, we offer emergency Reiki treatment to help you cope with heightened 

What solutions do we offer


Stress and Anxiety are the primary reasons our clients come to consult us. It’s a safe and effective treatment due to its ability to reach the subconscious mind where roots of anxiety often lie. It therefore allows you to go deeper in addressing issues.

By identifying the source of the issue, the treatment plan then becomes a lot more effective in providing solutions. It also enables to shift limiting beliefs and therefore gives you new thought patterns to change your self-perceptions.

It works at different levels.

  • It promotes relaxation and change the perception of stressors. Combined with the therapist experience, the treatment is effective and brings overall well-being.

  • Build emotional resilience – individuals can learn to recognise situations and their triggers and change their response to stressors. Furthermore, with emotional Freedom Technique, you can learn to let go and deal with difficult emotions.

  • Introduces positive habits and improves lifestyle – Hypnotherapy improves sleep as well as eating habits.

  • Change thought patterns – using various techniques, our therapist will help you make a more profound change on how you deal with stressful situations. This includes the ability to let go, say no, set boundaries, and challenge negative thinking. Our experience shows that exploring your inner self is a powerful experience.

  • Build self-esteem and self-worth – often individuals who are anxious, see their self-worth impacted. We are here to support you to rebuild confidence and make profound changes in the way you see and accept yourself.

  • Work through past and current traumas – for example, past broken relationships might have left you very bruised and anxiety can settle in as you find yourself in similar situations.

We recognise that each patient is unique and thus deserves a unique treatment. We have worked with people who have faced short and long term stress and anxiety and need immediate relief. Others recognised symptoms of anxiety they had in the past and want to tackle the issue ‘head-on’ to not find themselves in the same situation.


Sophrology is relaxation method that combines physical and mental exercises. It brings you to a relaxed state where you can focus on your breath and positive memories. By becoming more aware of your body, we can help you improve your physical health. In addition, sophrology can help you develop a positive attitude towards life which in turns help with the management of symptoms.

We hold certificates specifically related to stress management.


Reiki is a Japanese healing method where the practitioner hovers their hands over your body. We re-establish energy flows and release blockages. You may have sensations or nothing at all. Some of our clients report a warm or tingling feeling in their gut. As a result, you feel stress relief and metal and emotional clarity.

After the first Reiki session, you will likely feel strangely calm and your whole body will be very relaxed. After a few days, your general tonus and energy levels pick up if for any reason you were in need with this boost. The effects of Reiki are lasting and go beyond the area where you feel there are issues.

You can choose to come and see us as a result of an acute situation so we can relief you, otherwise anytime you want to rebalance your energy flows.

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